Kids With Compassion

One Week To Go

Time sure flies. It’s almost the end of the year and almost a full year since we started our project. While we wait in anticipation for the last collection to tabulate the money we can use to help needy children and their families we also look forward to 2013. We will continue to collect bottles and cans but we are going to increase our target to $2,000.

Now that we have gotten established in our neighbourhood we think we can do more and will look to find ways to reach more people, whether it is adding streets to our route, reaching out to our community or accepting donations online. Whatever it that may look like we just need to get out and continue as advocates for those in need, trusting that it will come.

This week we collected $19.50 to boost our grand total to $1,030.57. It feels like everything is a bonus now that we have reached our goal. We can’t wait to see how next week goes.

We’ll keep you informed.

Thank you KWC supporters!

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